5 Signs of a codependent relationship

26 de septiembre de 2024 | Noticias | 0 Comentarios

Always doing the right thing, caring what others think, putting others first – all good traits, ones that would make you a great friend, partner, or family member; and it is correct to think of other people, their needs and what makes them happy, but not when it constantly comes at the cost of your own.

If you find that your life is entirely revolving around the needs of one, or several other people then it may be a sign of codependency. If you find your actions are wholly ruled by what a specific person or people think, how they will feel and what it will do to them if you do or don’t take certain actions or behave in a particular way, then you are living the life of a codependent; and being totally reliant on others to run your life, or for your emotional validation is not a healthy or pleasurable way to exist.

¿Qué es la codependencia?

The dictionary definition of codependency is the “excessive emotional or psychological reliance on a partner, typically one who requires support on account of an illness or addiction.”

The concept behind codependency first emerged in the 1940’s, it is suggested it initially came from the theories of German psychoanalyst Karen Horney describing a certain personality type. It was adopted by Alcoholics Anonymous to define the behaviour frequently identified in the families of people suffering with alcohol use disorder; acknowledging the entwined and dysfunctional lives shared by the partners and family members of alcoholics, classifying them as co-alcoholics.

By the 1980’s the medical community had identified the similarities between alcoholism and drug addiction and the name co-alcoholics had been changed to co-chemically dependent, shortened to codependent. It became popular in the self-help and therapy arena with the publication of books such as “Codependent No More” by Melody Beattie and Robin Norwood’s, “Women Who Love Too Much.”

Somewhere between the 1990’s and today the expression has moved on from its original meaning and is used in mainstream popular language to describe an often difficult, sometimes toxic and destructive, and occasionally emotionally or physically violent, relationship.

Codependency is a problematic relationship between two people, where one relinquishes their power and control to the other who is addicted, sick or narcissistic. Codependents are routinely drawn to people that are not driven to participate in an equally beneficial or shared relationship. Their chosen partners are typically selfish, self-centred, and full of ego, and the codependent will feel undervalued and disrespected in the relationship but also powerless to change it.

Co-dependant vs Dependent

The term codependency is often bandied around when talking about a relationship where one partner displays clinginess or seems needy, but all relationships are based on some form of dependence on the other person. In a healthy partnership both sides rely on the other for love and support, whilst understanding and valuing the other’s need for separate and distinct lives, activities, friends, interests, and opinions.

In a codependent relationship one person needs the other one to fulfil their sense of worth or achieve their value, and the other partner enjoys being needed. Because of this the codependent will put the other person’s needs above their own, no matter what. They will plan and revolve their life around meeting their partners needs or requests. They will suppress their own voice, thoughts, and values to meet the other’s needs.

5 signs of a codependent relationship

Codependency can take place between friends, romantic partners, family members or co-workers. In a codependent relationship one person is always the “giver” and one is the “taker.”

1. Caretaking – if you always seem to be the one taking care of your partner, or another person. You feel that it is your responsibility to “fix” things. This could be because they are an alcoholic, addict or sick, or it could simply be the role that you have assumed, and they have allowed it.
2. Poor communication – there is no shared communication, it is very one-sided. Your opinions, values or beliefs don’t seem to matter. You find yourself not speaking up for fear it might cause an upset or an argument.
3. Seeking approval or permission you have low self-esteem, all your sense of worth comes from the praise or approval you get from the other person in the relationship, you need and crave this to validate yourself. You feel you need to get permission to do anything, you can’t make choices on your own.
4. Lack of boundaries – there is no mutual respect in the partnership. There are no consequences when your partner lets you down, you allow them to trample over your feelings or miss things that are important to you.
5. Loss of contact with friends and family – your life revolves solely around your partner. You have no individual interests or friends. Any time is spent with friends or family of your partner. Any activities, interests and hobbies are those your partner enjoys.

If one partner is controlling or abusive, these signs are magnified and the codependent is unable to reach outside of the relationship, make decisions on their own or have any voice at all for fear of retribution and emotional or physical violence.

Some relationships can be improved simply by making some behavioural changes and establishing boundaries. However, in some cases the relationship is beyond saving, it can be extremely toxic and dangerous if the taker is abusive, violent or takes a sadistic pleasure from being in control.

Mental health rehab en España

Do you think you are in a codependent relationship? Do you feel that you struggle with codependency in all your relationships?

Therapy as an individual, in a couple or a group can be beneficial to identify signs of codependency and associated mental health problems such as addiction, alcoholism, substance abuse and anxiety.

Here at our private residential rehab clinic in Ibiza, Spain, we can help. We treat clients with a variety of emotional and psychological conditions, using a carefully researched and constructed program of recovery with a great team of qualified doctors, therapists, and counsellors.

For information on admissions to the rehab centre please contact sharon@ibizacalm.com

Para obtener información y asesoramiento gratuitos sobre cuestiones relacionadas con la salud mental y adicción consulte los siguientes sitios web:

Alcohólicos Anónimos (AA). A en todo el mundo Comunidad de 12 pasos para particulares que tienen problemas con el alcohol. Cualquiera que desee dejar de beber es bienvenido. https://www.alcoholics-anonymous.org.uk

Narcóticos Anónimos (NA). Is a global beca sin ánimo de lucro, a comunidad de personas que se apoyan mutuamente para lograr y mantener una vida sin drogas. https://ukna.org

Al-Anon. A programa de apoyo mutuo entre iguales para personas cuya vida se ha visto afectada por otra persona'bebiendo.  https://al-anonuk.org.uk

Mente. A organización benéfica registrada en Inglaterra, que ofrece información, asesoramiento, servicios y apoyo locales, para las personas y familiares que luchan contra una enfermedad mental.  https://www.mind.org.uk

Fundación para la Salud Mental. Una organización benéfica británica que proporciona a las personas asesoramiento y recursos relacionados con la salud mental. https://www.mentalhealth.org.uk

GOLPEAR. Organización benéfica británica dedicada a los trastornos alimentarios que ofrece información y apoyo a las personas afectadas. https://www.beateatingdisorders.org.uk
