About our Treatment Programmes
Bespoke one-to-one treatments
Here at Ibiza Calm, we recognise that some of our clients are looking for a more individualised and bespoke approach to treatment than many other treatment facilities offer; one where the client is able to receive all the care and attention necessary to recover in an exclusive one-to-one environment.
Some clients will require help with family members too and we are able to offer a tailored solution where accommodation is also provided for either family members, staff, or security.
The four options outlined below allow you to choose between different levels of intensity of treatment, as well as different degrees of flexibility around your stay with us – depending on your own needs.
All options include an optional family component to the programme, plus, exit and aftercare planning.
All programmes include individual counselling, group therapy, educational workshops, art therapy, yoga and fitness sessions, and mutual support meetings off-site. We have a full medical team with an excellent psychiatrist who visits twice a week and nurses onsite every night.
Bel ons terug!

Individual Care Programme
This includes an individual deluxe ensuite room. The morning programme activities are compulsory, and some of the afternoon sessions may be optional.
One tailor-made activity can be offered each week, such as personal training, a massage, or beauty treatment.
The price is 10,000 euros per week.

Full Bespoke Care Programme
This includes an individual deluxe ensuite room. All timetable activities are optional, and extra therapies can be arranged as required.
After a thorough assessment by our clinical and therapeutic team, a tailor-made programme will be developed to meet any individual client needs. This will include five compulsory individual counselling sessions each week.
In addition to the therapeutic programme, three tailor-made activities can be offered each week, such as personal training, a massage, or beauty treatment.
The price is 15,000 euros per week.

“La Casita” Bespoke Programme
This programme includes all the treatment services, and facilities, of the Full Bespoke Care Programme. In addition, clients have exclusive access to “The Casita”.
A standalone 2-bedroom house, separate from the main property, with its own kitchen, living-room, front and back terraces. Ideal for complete privacy; or for anyone requiring additional staff or security.
If you want to learn more about this option, please get in touch with our admissions department for more details.
(Price on application.)
Ibiza Calm Time Table 2025

Voor familie & vrienden
Verslaving wordt vaak verkeerd begrepen en gaat gepaard met een sociaal stigma. Dit maakt het moeilijk voor de verslaafde en zijn/haar familie om het probleem toe te geven en om hulp te vragen. Familieleden kunnen zichzelf ervan overtuigen dat hij/zij niet echt een verslaafde of alcoholist is en deze ontkenning kan hen ervan weerhouden om de hulp te krijgen die ze zo hard nodig hebben. Het kan ook leiden tot "codependence", waarbij vrienden en familie vast komen te zitten in ongezonde relaties.
1 --telefoongesprek
Als een familielid of patiënt belt, leggen we het tijdschema, de geschiktheid, onze kosten en eventuele andere vragen uit.
2 -Toelatingsevaluatie
Een eerste telefonische beoordeling met de cliënt.
3 -Een datum instellen
We geven elke cliënt een datum voor opname en iedereen wordt bij aankomst begroet door ons klinische team.